ReWild Your Life
... In A Weekend!
Step into a transformative experience that goes beyond surface-level change. In just 2 days:
Dive deep into the essence of who you are, break free from limiting patterns and awaken a power within that’s been waiting to be unleashed!
If you’re ready to activate your wild self and manifest a life-filled with purpose, passion and unlimited potential, this is your invitation...
Go deep, to rise high... in one wild weekend!
Imagine what it could feel like to be truly unleashed... A life where you feel deeply fulfilled, wildly empowered, and truly yourself—a life where you break free from old patterns and limitations, and come alive in ways you never thought possible.
If this resonates with you, I understand completely. I’ve been there too—craving change, sensing something more, but not knowing how to access it.
Years ago, after exploring countless personal development programs and spiritual paths, I still felt lost, disconnected, and like parts of me were missing. I wasn’t living up to my true potential or even feeling like I was fully myself.
Then I discovered the profound power of archetypal embodiment, and everything shifted. It was the missing key that took me deep, and layer by layer, I started to uncover my wild, true self.
I tapped into potentials and inner powers that I didn't know I had... and I changed. My body changed, my relationships changed, my work in the world changed. This journey was so powerful and transformative, it inspired me to create ReWilding–a way to help you achieve the same deep, personal transformation.
Now, I’m bringing ReWilding to a city near you, so you can experience it for yourself. I want to share the exact tools I discovered while working with the archetypes to create such mind-blowing life shifts – all in one very special weekend where anything is possible. I've seen miraculous healings and extraordinary gifts being awakened, things far beyond what the mind can comprehend. So if you're looking to change your life in any way, I'd love to help you unlock that change for yourself.
I invite you to join me for a weekend of ReWilding Your Life. Whether you choose London, Sydney—or both—I can’t wait to see those big, bold, beautiful dreams of yours come true!
With so much love,
💛 Sabrina Lynn
P.S. There’s a special kind of magic that happens when we gather together in person. The energy of a group on this journey amplifies our individual transformations in ways you have to experience to believe. That’s why I’m so excited to ReWild with you face-to-face!
Have You Ever Found Yourself Thinking...

A Way To Finally Break Free?!
A way to...
- Go beyond the logical, rational-thinking mind and into deeper realms of Self for healing and wisdom
- See through self-imposed limits
- Pinpoint exactly what is holding you back and be liberated once and for all
- Work through trauma in moments rather than years, and
- Experience unbelievable awakenings
... all of which brings you actual, lasting transformation in your daily reality.
This is the ReWilding Way.
Go deep, to rise high (all in one powerful weekend)!

Your life will look completely different and so will you!
In the REWILD YOUR LIFE weekend immersion, you’ll uncover a transformative method that shifts your inner world, creating a powerful ripple effect in your external reality. This isn’t just temporary change; it’s deep, lasting transformation that touches every aspect of your life.
Imagine finally manifesting the dreams that have felt out of reach for so long. Picture bringing your heart’s deepest longings into reality and creating a life beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. It’s all possible when you step into this powerful weekend experience!
Transformation the ReWilding Way
Empowered change happens from within...
Step into ReWilding's cutting edge modalities to tap into your life force, to access, heal, rewire and embody your inner capacity... which then ripples out into your outer world.
Discover a method that journeys into your shadow to bring forward what's hidden into the light... When you can see it, only then can you work with it. It's a proven path to self-mastery.
Book your ticket, because your life is about to change →
Hear from event participants
"This was truly one of the most profound events I have been involved in."
~ Tania
"This weekend retreat has been absolutely transformative. I cleared and learnt more in a weekend of ReWilding than I have in 10 years of Buddhist meditation. That is in no way to discount my previous decade as it has been invaluable, but I think it has laid the groundwork for what happened over this past weekend. Sabrina, I see such a purity in you. You live the path that you inspire others towards. This is something you rarely see in teachers and I am deeply grateful to what you bring to the world."
~ Kylee
"This truly is big, life-changing work. I have experienced some crazy-ass wild stuff and can’t wait to see what lessons are coming next."
~ Laura
"It’s like going on the most surprising and fulfilling adventure. Going to internal places that you imagined existed but you just didn’t know how to get there. They somehow all come together over the course of days to expose parts of self that my mind usually overrides."
~ Raelene
"What I got from those 2 days was so much more than that, so much more than I can even put into words. I have changed, my life has changed, the world around me has changed. The shifts have rippled out to my kids, my work, my family…it’s been amazing! Since workshop I've continued doing the work and I still don’t understand it all but I do know that in the most chaotic time in my life I have a calm and peace that I’ve never had, nor ever knew was possible."
~ Trina
Hear from event participants
"This was truly one of the most profound events I have been involved in."
~ Tania
"This weekend retreat has been absolutely transformative. I cleared and learnt more in a weekend of ReWilding than I have in 10 years of Buddhist meditation. That is in no way to discount my previous decade as it has been invaluable, but I think it has laid the groundwork for what happened over this past weekend. Sabrina, I see such a purity in you. You live the path that you inspire others towards. This is something you rarely see in teachers and I am deeply grateful to what you bring to the world."
~ Kylee
"This truly is big, life-changing work. I have experienced some crazy-ass wild stuff and can’t wait to see what lessons are coming next."
~ Laura
"It’s like going on the most surprising and fulfilling adventure. Going to internal places that you imagined existed but you just didn’t know how to get there. They somehow all come together over the course of days to expose parts of self that my mind usually overrides."
~ Raelene
"What I got from those 2 days was so much more than that, so much more than I can even put into words. I have changed, my life has changed, the world around me has changed. The shifts have rippled out to my kids, my work, my family…it’s been amazing! Since workshop I've continued doing the work and I still don’t understand it all but I do know that in the most chaotic time in my life I have a calm and peace that I’ve never had, nor ever knew was possible."
~ Trina
Wild passion.
Life-changing success.
Living on purpose.
High-voltage creativity.
Maximum life force energy.
Via deep, inner alchemical transformation that leads to significant (and lasting!) outer change... the ReWilding way:
- Awaken your DORMANT aspects within
- Rewire DISTORTED patterns that don't align with who you truly are, and
- Attune to the expression of your DIVINE nature!

The ReWilding Way
Get Ready To ReWild!
Many of the people Sabrina has worked with say that her ReWilding method is the deepest, most transformative healing, awakening and embodiment work they have been able to find anywhere.
Structured as a momentum building process, you'll step into cutting-edge ReWilding modalities to tap into your life force, to access, heal, rewire and embody your inner capacity, to then ripple out into your outer world.
If it sounds woo-woo... it’s not! These methods will shift, heal, open and transform every aspect of your inner and outer world.
Explore dormant, distorted and divine aspects of your inner world
... rewiring these aspects within to create profound change in your inner and outer world.
Release outdated beliefs, ancestral conditioning and old ways of doing things
... and welcome a new ease-filled, grace-filled and joy-filled way of walking through your world (increase your stamina for good stuff).
Explore Kundalini awakening, shadow work and sacred sexuality
... in an empowered way that works uniquely for you (in the comfort of your own home and without needing a medicine journey to get there).
Break through upper limits using your own Lifeforce Energy and Soul Fire
... be propelled further down your destiny line, further into your unique potentials, soul’s purpose and evolution!
Become more empowered with the unconscious becoming conscious
... understand how archetypes can bring a level of depth of understanding about yourself leading to more freedom, power and choice!
Dive into uncharted realms of Self
... to discover hidden gems and reclaim what was once lost (but now is found)!

"I love the embodiment piece...
The thing I have loved about working with archetypes The ReWilding Way is the embodiment piece. This process takes something that I had heard about and held in concept form, into a lived, embodied experience. Learning how to move the energy of the lover, Hecate, Kali, or Hygeia through my body and allow the energy to alchemize, release, upgrade and heal parts of me I haven’t been able to reach in other ways has been truly transformational! It’s unlike any other “healing modality” I’ve worked with before."
~ Valerie
What is Archetypal Embodiment?

The quickest way of opening to the fullest, truest, most authentic, most aligned you.
It's the fastest way to get to your passion and your purpose.
It’s an accelerated way to get to more of your life force energy, more of your radiance, more of your aliveness.
It's the fastest way to get to greater potentials, higher timelines, your soul path, your true north.
It is the great becoming...
You becoming you without masks, without wounds, without upper limits.
You in your greatest soul experience, greatest soul expression, greatest soul potential!
Archetypal embodiment is going straight to the source — building a relationship with the archetypes so you can access their wisdom, magic, and love anytime, anywhere.
ReWilding with the Archetypes
In ReWilding, we work with the 6 Faces of the Feminine & Masculine.
Every archetype, every energy is a unique flavor, each working with different aspects of the self.
They open, heal, shift and alchemize different things, and they turn on different inner wisdoms, powers and gifts.
Scroll below to explore the possible archetypes we'll work with in the ReWilding Immersion:
"Each archetype is a unique doorway into a part of yourself.
When they are turned on, functioning at a high-level, operating in an embodied way, it is like being rocket-fueled into your greatest potential, your highest expression in this life, in a very grounded, very tangible, lasting way."
~ Sabrina Lynn

Archetypal energy rises up to meet you where you are at...
and takes you exactly where you are meant to go in this moment!
After working with Archetypes for years and years, I am still—to this day—astounded by how much a person can shift, transform, awaken and step into when journeying consciously into this territory.
It’s an epic journey into the unknown. It'll take you into the most potent energy with the most conscious intention of awakening your truest aspects and highest potentials, which will ultimately lead you to creating your most fulfilling life! (Yes, archetype journeys are that potent!) I've witnessed transformations that defy explanation—individuals completely reinventing their lives through the power of the archetypes.

"The magic of being in-person...
To explain a ReWilding In-Person in a word or two? I would say, Growth Accelerator! Within the masterfully held container, magic really does happen. Glorious new parts of self come on line, patterns and conditioning that are no longer useful are burned away—all by the sheer force of love. I cannot think of one area of my life that has not been meteorically up-leveled from my ReWilding In-Person experiences!"
~ Tigz
How other people feel when ReWilding
"Retreat offered a space for me to reclaim the powerful medicine woman within me and to release all the clogged up anger and grief that my body had been afraid to let go of. I feel I have reclaimed so much of my sensuality and self-expression...I’m so grateful to have unlocked the deepest recesses of my feminine power. If you feel drawn to attend, trust that instinct and gift yourself the time and space to meet a fuller, deeper, more authentic version of yourself. You won’t regret it."
~ Louise
"The energy was powerful. I felt safe to go wild and express myself. If you are willing to dive into the archetypes, feel them in your body and be supported as a conscious spiritual woman walking your path, I recommend this special experience!"
~ Anick
"Imagine finding cause to sing or dance or express however you feel and feeling free to do so. ReWilding offered all of that for me."
~ Andrea
The whole thing! The connection, the women, the way Sabrina and team made us feel so safe and secure and held space for us for extraordinary."
~ Danielle
"I feel like I am peeling back layers - stripping back the false, the ego - everything layer of protection I have built up over a lifetime - maybe many lifetimes - and becoming who I am meant to be authentically"
~ Deni
"It's extremely positively affected my ability to manage my emotions. It's given me more 'space' around my feelings so I can make better decisions about how to respond. I think my experience of emotion is far deeper and more mature. I feel more free in my body, like a permission has been granted. Intimate relationship has ended. I feel much more a master of my domain."
~ Andrea
How other people feel when ReWilding
"Retreat offered a space for me to reclaim the powerful medicine woman within me and to release all the clogged up anger and grief that my body had been afraid to let go of. I feel I have reclaimed so much of my sensuality and self-expression...I’m so grateful to have unlocked the deepest recesses of my feminine power. If you feel drawn to attend, trust that instinct and gift yourself the time and space to meet a fuller, deeper, more authentic version of yourself. You won’t regret it."
~ Louise
"The energy was powerful. I felt safe to go wild and express myself. If you are willing to dive into the archetypes, feel them in your body and be supported as a conscious spiritual woman walking your path, I recommend this special experience!"
~ Anick
"Imagine finding cause to sing or dance or express however you feel and feeling free to do so. ReWilding offered all of that for me."
~ Andrea
The whole thing! The connection, the women, the way Sabrina and team made us feel so safe and secure and held space for us for extraordinary."
~ Danielle
"I feel like I am peeling back layers - stripping back the false, the ego - everything layer of protection I have built up over a lifetime - maybe many lifetimes - and becoming who I am meant to be authentically"
~ Deni
"It's extremely positively affected my ability to manage my emotions. It's given me more 'space' around my feelings so I can make better decisions about how to respond. I think my experience of emotion is far deeper and more mature. I feel more free in my body, like a permission has been granted. Intimate relationship has ended. I feel much more a master of my domain."
~ Andrea
Weekend Schedule
Weekend Schedule
Event Details
London, UK
28-29 June 2025
Perseverance Works, Shoreditch, London
Join Sabrina in the vibrant city of London—this great world city where the old meets the new. With its energetics of creative diversity, this buzzing melting pot calls forth inner evolution... a perfect place to ReWild your life and find your true colors.
Our venue is situated amidst the lively business community of Perseverance Works, a building that dates back to the Victorian Era, in the creative hub of London's Shoreditch. Both warm and contemporary with courtyard facing warehouse windows and high-vaulted ceilings, it is a 5-10 minute walk from overground and tube stations, with parking available and many places to eat lunch within a 5-minute walk.
In this creatively charged ambience, it's time to create your life and step onto your highest path forward.
Sydney, Australia
6-7 September 2025
Sydney Showroom Space, Alexandria, Sydney
Join Sabrina in the stunning city of Sydney—an iconic harbour city of extraordinary beauty. The birthplace of ReWilding... Sydney is the perfect place to discover the call of the wild, the call of your true self, and the call of destiny!
Our venue is located south of the CBD in the trendy inner city suburb of Alexandria, which has undergone a major transformation in recent years, and now has an exciting mix of food emporiums and funky cafes in converted warehouses. It is easily accessible by train and bus, with a mix of all-day free parking in the surrounding streets and paid parking within 2-minutes walk.
Renew, transform and ReWild your life in the sacred cauldron of the Soul of ReWilding as we welcome Sabrina back to Australia for the first time in many years!

Early Bird Special
Save $300 USD
Ends 31st March 2025
Experience the Transformative Power of ReWilding with Sabrina Lynn!
This Weekend Immersion offers an opportunity to receive LIVE and IN-PERSON training from Sabrina Lynn. This 2-Day Immersion event is valued at $1,247 – $1,397 USD. But when you book your ticket before March 31st, you can take advantage of our Early Bird Special and save $300! It's your hot ticket to ReWild Your Life!
Book Your Ticket
28-29 JUNE 2025
6-7 SEPTEMBER 2025
Register today and receive
ReWilding Activation
Online Series
(valued at $147)
You don't have to wait until the LIVE Event to ReWild!
Get started today with a FREE 3-Part ReWilding Activation Series... delivered straight to your inbox when you register now!
With 6 of our most powerful activations, this video workshop series will help you access more life-force, more joy, more purpose and more of your true, wild essence! It'll shake you up to wake you up... and set you on your way!

Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? Email support@rewildingway.com
Proven Track Record
Over 100,000 people from 70+ countries have experienced the life-altering magic of ReWilding, guided by Sabrina Lynn’s original method. Each event has sold out for a reason—this work truly transforms lives.
Sacred Technologies That Work
Forget relying on external substances or medicine journeys to go deep. ReWilding taps into ancient, sacred technologies that awaken power within you. This revolutionary approach creates profound transformation through your own energy, connecting you directly to the deepest parts of yourself.
Personalized Awakening
ReWilding events are crafted for your unique journey. Sabrina’s guidance is designed to take you as deep as you’re ready to go, while allowing space for what’s uniquely arising for you. It’s your awakening, your power—fully supported but entirely yours.
Embodied Transformation
ReWilding isn’t about concepts or theory; it’s about embodying archetypal energies in a way that profoundly changes your daily life. This is deep, transformative work that brings the essence of who you are into every moment, igniting real and lasting change.
Words About ReWilding
Oh f*ck yes!!! I’ve LOVED how Sabrina uses age old Jungian archetypal depth psychology with ancient shamanic practices. It’s deeply transformative, personal, and has a depth and substance to it unlike anything else I’ve experienced before."
~ Cara
“The thing I have loved about working with archetypes the ReWilding way is the embodiment piece. This process takes something that I had heard about and held in concept form, into a lived, embodied experience. Learning how to move the energy of the lover, Hecate, Kali, or Hygeia through my body and allow the energy to alchemize, release, upgrade and heal parts of me I haven’t been able to reach in other ways has been truly transformational! It’s unlike any other “healing modality” I’ve worked with before.“
~ Valerie
"To work with the Archetypes via the ReWilding way is to discover parts of self you never knew existed… heck maybe they didn’t! Sometimes it feels more like an evolution – an opening into an expression of life that, through the uniqueness that is you, has never been realized before! Simply put, life gets so much more colorful!"
~ Malea
Words About ReWilding
Oh f*ck yes!!! I’ve LOVED how Sabrina uses age old Jungian archetypal depth psychology with ancient shamanic practices. It’s deeply transformative, personal, and has a depth and substance to it unlike anything else I’ve experienced before."
~ Cara
“The thing I have loved about working with archetypes the ReWilding way is the embodiment piece. This process takes something that I had heard about and held in concept form, into a lived, embodied experience. Learning how to move the energy of the lover, Hecate, Kali, or Hygeia through my body and allow the energy to alchemize, release, upgrade and heal parts of me I haven’t been able to reach in other ways has been truly transformational! It’s unlike any other “healing modality” I’ve worked with before.“
~ Valerie
"To work with the Archetypes via the ReWilding way is to discover parts of self you never knew existed… heck maybe they didn’t! Sometimes it feels more like an evolution – an opening into an expression of life that, through the uniqueness that is you, has never been realized before! Simply put, life gets so much more colorful!"
~ Malea
ReWild Your Life... In A Weekend
This *is* for you if:
This is *not* for you if:
The Power of ReWilding
Through [Sabrina's] workshops, I have been to places and accessed emotions and energies that I have not touched in any other way."
~ Mark
It's the best investment I have ever made in myself, the best gift and the greatest tool to use going forward in relation to furthering this… utterly necessary soul work."
~ Georgia
It is the deepest, most transformational work I've accessed online. I feel it's having a profoundly positive impact on my life, growth and healing.
~ Stacey

Meet Your Guide:
Sabrina Lynn
A gifted facilitator of revolutionary inner work and the world’s leading archetypal embodiment expert, Sabrina Lynn is the creator of the groundbreaking ReWilding Way and founder of ReWilding For Women.
For 15 years, her transformational practices and life-changing programs have taken people beyond the conscious mind, into the deep realms of the body and psyche, where true, lasting change, personal growth and authentic empowerment lies. Now she can be your guide too!
Today, Sabrina has a global following of over 500,000 firestarters, changemakers, spiritual seekers, and wild men and women! Her YouTube channel has had over 3 million video views and her podcasts have been downloaded over 2.5 million times.
Sabrina has led more than 100,000 people through programs based on the ReWilding Way, a modality of healing and awakening that strips away the false, the deep wounds from early life, and the fears that hold people back, to reveal their true and unique soul light and help them build the innate capacity to shine it in the world.
Sabrina is bringing all of her research, knowledge and experience to her 2025 in-person events, where you’ll be guided into the most profoundly transformative embodiment work that can be found anywhere. This world tour includes 2-Day Weekend Immersions and 5-Day In-Person Retreats in some of the world’s most stunning cities and sacred sites.
Her other work includes the monthly ReWilding Membership, Living Close to the Bone, Priest/ess Trainings, Mystery Schools, the ReWilding Archetypes (a work-in-progress that includes 36 Archetype Journeys, plus a forthcoming book and oracle card deck), and the wildly popular 6 Faces of the Feminine workshop series.

One final, personal note...
We have so much untapped potential within, so much soul-centered, heart-aligned power.
This weekend event is about waking up to it, embracing it, and letting it move us into our next greatest life.
It is my great honor to be able to ReWild with you in this way at this time! Let's make some magic happen!
With all my heart,
🖤 Sabrina Lynn