But you can still work with Sabrina LIVE in...

Living Close To The Bone
Monthly Workshops

Unleash Your Wild, Authentic, Soulful Self… 

Gain exclusive access to a monthly 2-hour LIVE Workshop where Sabrina Lynn teaches her personal practices that will take you into your fullest expression of self and your most empowered life! Find your soul tribe and work with the astrology of the moment using the power of the archetypes—plus join LIVE Wisdom Circle with the ReWilding Support Team and receive over $500 of bonus workshops!

ReWild Your Life (In A Weekend!)
In-Person Immersions

A Weekend of ReWilding in London or Sydney!

Transform your life in just 2 days! If you’re ready to activate your wild self and manifest a life-filled with purpose, passion and unlimited potential, this is your invitation. Be guided through cutting-edge embodiment practices designed to ignite transformation at your core. Heal, rewire, and alchemize the old wounds and patterns that have kept you stuck. Step boldly into your authentic power!

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IX Mystery School Is Now In Session With Registration No Longer Available

Year-Long Immersion Experience (IX)

ReWilding with the Archetypes

The most extensive online program for exploring archetypal embodiment that leads to deep transformation and personal empowerment.

36 Archetypal Embodiment Modules
12 LIVE Online Retreats with Sabrina
1 Full Year of Support unlock your unique expression, hidden gifts and natural talents.

Year-Long Immersion Experience (IX) MYSTERY SCHOOL

ReWilding with the Archetypes

The most extensive online program for exploring archetypal embodiment that leads to deep transformation and personal empowerment.

36 Archetypal Embodiment Modules
12 LIVE Online Retreats with Sabrina
1 Full Year of Support unlock your unique expression, hidden gifts and natural talents.

The Alchemy of You... 
Transformation Through The Archetypes


Press play to learn more!

Imagine what it could feel like to be truly unleashed...

Imagine living a life where you feel deeply fulfilled, empowered, and truly yourself... A life where you break free from old patterns and limitations, coming fully alive in ways you never thought possible.

If that resonates with you, I can totally relate! I've been there too... craving change and knowing there was something more waiting for me.

I'm Sabrina, and I might have something for you that will change your life forever...

Years ago, despite trying countless personal development programs and spiritual practices, I felt lost, disconnected, and a little bit dead inside. It wasn’t until I discovered the profound power of archetypal embodiment that things began to shift. Layer by layer, I started to uncover my True Self.

I tapped into potentials and inner powers that I didn't know I had... and I changed. My body changed, my relationships changed, my work in the world changed. This journey was so transformative that it inspired me to create ReWilding for Women, the ReWilding Method, the ReWilding Way and now it's inspired me to create ReWilding with the Archetypes, a comprehensive 12-month Immersion Experience designed to help you achieve the same deep, personal transformation.

In this extensive, limited-time-only offering, you'll explore 36 archetypal initiations, each one a gateway to a different aspect of self. You'll heal old wounds, awaken your true power, and discover the gifts and talents that have been lying dormant within you. This program is more than just initiations and awakenings — it's a path to your highest self, supported by LIVE Online Retreats, Wisdom Circles, a dynamic and transformative environment, and a vibrant community of like-minded seekers.

Join us for your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to uncover your most authentic and empowered self.

Wild passion.
Life-changing success.
Living on purpose.
High-voltage creativity.
Maximum lifeforce energy.

  • 1 Awaken the long-lost, dormant parts of yourself that are trapped inside, keeping you looping on a hamster wheel to nowhere.
  • 2 Heal the distorted parts that are running havoc and causing you deep pain, anguish and suffering.
  • 3 Reunite the warring parts of yourself that are causing disharmony both internally and externally in your relationships, your home, your work, your life!
  • 4 Reclaim your vitality, power, and purpose within... which is easier said than done when your greatest gift can also be your greatest wounding!

"To work with the Archetypes the ReWilding Way is to discover parts of self you never knew existed…

Heck, maybe they didn’t! Sometimes it feels more like an evolution... an opening into an expression of life that, through the uniqueness that is you, has never been realized before! Simply put, life gets so much more colorful!"

~ Malea
The journey everyone has been asking for!
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ReWilding with the Archetypes
Immersion Experience (IX)

A full immersion into the gifts of archetypal embodiment the ReWilding Way.

A LIVE 12-month Mystery School journey exploring 36 different masculine and feminine archetypes:

  • 36 Archetypal Embodiment Modules
  • 12 LIVE Online Retreats with Sabrina
  • 1 Full Year of Support

Each experiential workshop with Sabrina Lynn focuses on one archetype, released as monthly modules, within a private member's area. Then, once a month, we'll gather LIVE to journey deeper and uncover even more of the mysteries held in each archetype!

We'll journey together LIVE, with no pre-planned map!

As you progress through your Year-Long Immersion Experience (IX), you'll receive Archetype modules such as the Medicine Woman Hekate, the Medicine Man Merlin, the Lover Venus, the Dark Masculine Pluto, the Mystic Mercury and Father Saturn.

Out of the many feminine and masculine archetypes we work with in ReWilding, the ones that we'll be journeying with in this program is still emerging! (Scroll below for a list or possible archetypes for this IX.)

What is clear is that some of the archetypes that are emerging are completely new for ReWilding or far more potent in their energy than we've ever experienced before!

Archetypes in ReWilding


In ReWilding, we place special emphasis on the archetypes of the Six Faces of the Feminine and Masculine:

Lover, Warrior, Mystic, Mother/Father, Dark Goddess/Dark Masculine, Medicine Woman/Medicine Man.

Within these categories, we engage with specific archetypes that have very unique qualities, expressions, gifts, and lessons. For example:

Hekate, Lilith, Pluto or Chiron.


Every archetype, every energy is a different flavor. They work with different parts of self. They open, heal, shift and alchemize different things, and they turn on different inner wisdoms, powers and gifts…



  • Venus/Aphrodite
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Juno/Hera
  • Parvati
  • Psyche


  • Ceres/Demeter
  • Mother Mary
  • Great Mother
  • Haumea
  • Bhuvaneshwari


  • Pallas Athena
  • Pele
  • Durga

Medicine Woman

  • Hekate
  • Hygeia
  • Chariclo
  • Primordial Feminine

Dark Goddess

  • Kali
  • Medusa
  • Lilith
  • Black Moon Lilith
  • Eris
  • Persephone/Kore
  • Sedna
  • Dhumavati


  • Vesta/Hestia
  • Lalita
  • Chinnamasta
  • Isis
  • Saraswati
  • Sophia

Archetypes in ReWilding


In ReWilding, we place special emphasis on the archetypes of the Six Faces of the Feminine and Masculine:

Lover, Warrior, Mystic, Mother/Father, Dark Goddess/Dark Masculine, Medicine Woman/Medicine Man.

Within these categories, we engage with specific archetypes that are programmed with very unique qualities, expressions and lessons. For example:

Hekate, Lilith, Pluto or Chiron.




  • Venus/Aphrodite
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Juno/Hera
  • Parvati
  • Psyche


  • Ceres/Demeter
  • Mother Mary
  • Great Mother
  • Haumea
  • Bhuvaneshwari


  • Pallas Athena
  • Pele
  • Durga

Medicine Woman

  • Hekate
  • Hygeia
  • Chariclo
  • Primordial Feminine

Dark Goddess

  • Kali
  • Medusa
  • Lilith
  • Black Moon Lilith
  • Eris
  • Persephone/Kore
  • Dhumavati


  • Vesta/Hestia
  • Lalita
  • Chinnamasta
  • Isis
  • Saraswati
  • Sophia



  • Eros
  • Jupiter/Zeus


  • Saturn/Kronos


  • Mars/Ares

Medicine Man

  • Chiron/Wounded Healer

  • Merlin

Dark God

  • Pluto/Hades

  • Priapus


  • Uranus/
  • Neptune/
  • Shiva
  • Mercury/
  • Christ Consciousness

Each archetype is a unique doorway into a part of yourself. When they are turned on, functioning at a high-level, operating in an embodied way, it is like being rocket-fuelled into your greatest potential, your highest expression in this life, in a very grounded, very tangible, lasting way."




  • Eros
  • Jupiter/Zeus


  • Saturn/Kronos


  • Mars/Ares

Medicine Man

  • Chiron/Wounded Healer

  • Merlin

Dark God

  • Pluto/Hades

  • Priapus


  • Uranus/
  • Neptune/
  • Shiva
  • Mercury/
  • Christ Consciousness

Every archetype, every energy is a different flavor. They work with different parts of self. They open, heal, shift and alchemize different things, and they turn on different inner wisdoms, powers and gifts… "

Each archetype is a unique doorway into a part of yourself. When they are turned on, functioning at a high-level, operating in an embodied way, it is like being rocket-fuelled into your greatest potential, your highest expression in this life, in a very grounded, very tangible, lasting way.


"The thing I have loved about working with archetypes The ReWilding Way is
the embodiment piece.

This process takes something that I had heard about and held in concept form, into a lived, embodied experience. Learning how to move the energy of the lover, Hekate, Kali, or Hygeia through my body and allow the energy to alchemize, release, upgrade and heal parts of me I haven’t been able to reach in other ways has been truly transformational! It’s unlike any other “healing modality” I’ve worked with before."

~ Valerie


Archetypal Embodiment

The quickest way to opening to the fullest, truest, most authentic, most aligned you.

It's the fastest way to get to your passion and your purpose.

It’s an accelerated way to release more of your life force energy, more of your radiance, more of your aliveness.

It's the fastest way to reach greater potentials, higher timelines, your soul path, your true north.

It is the great becoming...

You becoming you without masks, without wounds, without upper limits.

You in your greatest soul experience, greatest soul expression, greatest soul potential!

Archetypal embodiment is going straight to the source — building a relationship with the archetypes so you can access their wisdom, magic, and love anytime, anywhere.

In this program you will...

Be guided through powerful and esoteric archetypal embodiment practices

... used to invoke and commune with your personal archetypes (or parts of Self).

Experientially journey Masculine and Feminine archetypes

... and use them as roadmaps for uncovering your hidden expression, gifts and talents.

Explore dormant, distorted and divine aspects of your inner world

... rewiring these aspects within to create profound change in your inner and outer world.

Dive into uncharted realms of Self

... to discover hidden gems and reclaim what was once lost (but now is found)!

Receive archetype initiations, activations and transmissions

... that will awaken, activate, purify, liberate and alchemize trapped energy within.

Embody the Union of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine

... to develop strength and stamina to stand in the fullness of these exalted expressions of Self.

Explore Kundalini awakening, shadow work and sacred sexuality

... in an empowered way that works uniquely for you (in the comfort of your own home and without needing a medicine journey to get there).

Become more empowered with the unconscious becoming conscious

... and understand how archetypes can bring a level of depth of understanding about yourself leading to more freedom, power and choice!

Release outdated beliefs, ancestral conditioning and old ways of doing things

... and welcome a new ease-filled, grace-filled and joy-filled way of walking through your world (and increase your stamina for good stuff).

Break through upper limits using your own Life Force Energy and Soul Fire

... and be propelled further down your destiny line, further into your unique potentials, soul’s purpose and evolution!



Archetypal energy rises up to meet you where you are at...
and takes you exactly where you are meant to go in this moment!

After working with archetypes for years and years, I am still—to this day—astounded by how much a person can shift, transform, awaken and step into when journeying consciously into this territory.

It’s an epic journey into the unknown. It'll take you into the most potent energy with the most conscious intention of awakening your truest aspects and highest potentials, which will ultimately lead you to creating your most fulfilling life! (Yes, archetype journeys are that potent!) I've witnessed transformations that defy explanation – individuals completely reinventing their lives through the power of the archetypes.




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Three Workshops Delivered Each Month

Working with the archetypes means working with every aspect of human potential, every aspect of you. They will show you your strengths—ripe to develop into seemingly miraculous gifts—and also your weaknesses—fertile ground for up-leveling and healing your life.

The archetypes will show you everything you are and everything you could be. And then they will show you the way to your destiny.

Our journey centers around these 60-minute experiential workshops exploring 36 feminine and masculine archetypes. Each workshop will explore a new archetype, incorporating ReWilding modalities that combine energetic transmissions, initiations, channeled teachings, embodiment practices... and more. This unique combination will allow you to access deep, often hidden levels of your being where you can create lasting transformation.

The human system is uniquely wired to understand archetypes – myths, stories, symbols, patterns of behavior and ways of being... We've been telling stories about ourselves for thousands of years and we're still doing it! Archetypes are already alive within us. We innately understand them and they appear in our dreams and our art. When we dive even deeper into them, when we activate their energy in an embodied way, archetypal activations are healing and awakening... and permanently life-changing!

One thing is certain about the ReWilding Way of exploration...
You have never experienced the archetypes like this!

4 Support Videos

Masterclass, Deepening Practices, and Bonus Session

In addition to the experiential workshop, there will be numerous practices and tools to support your exploration into each archetype.

These may include: journal prompts, rituals, meditations, playlists, embodiment practices, energy focus practices, channeled teachings and guided meditations.

There may also be tales or myths of the archetype but this is not guaranteed... The ReWilding Way is about the embodiment and experience of it (rather than understanding with our mind!). This Archetype Immersion Experience (IX) will take you into new territories and unexplored realms that the mind can't even fathom! Yep... we're really going for it!!


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Monthly Retreats

12 Interactive LIVE Retreats with Sabrina

Each month, you will join Sabrina on Zoom for a 3+ hour online Circle to journey further into the archetypal energies we've activated in the workshops, while sitting in Circle with a community of other devoted people.

During this year-long Archetype Immersion Experience (IX), you will work intimately with Sabrina and the ReWilding IX Support Team in a highly personal setting, receiving energetic transmissions, doing deep shadow work, and bringing every aspect of your life into the spotlight, opening you to new ways of being, living, and relating.

LIVE Circle with Sabrina is a unique experience in which she is able to tap into, download and channel the exact teachings you need in the moment. There is no set formula that is used for every group! Her LIVE teachings are tailored to you, to the current collective energy, and to the specific place on your path that you find yourself in. Be prepared for life-altering transformation as the months go by!

(These online retreats will be recorded and added to your member's area in the event that you can't make it LIVE.)

LIVE Community Gatherings

12 Wisdom Circles with the ReWilding IX Support Team

Each month the trained ReWilding IX Support Team will hold a 2-hour long online Zoom gathering where you can connect, ask questions and be supported on your journey.

This is a perfect opportunity to share your experiences or to simply be in the presence of others on a similar journey. It can help in the activation and grounding of the energy. These are sacred and special, and participants often comment on how helpful they are to deepen their experience.

(These will also be recorded and added to your member's area in the event that you can't make it LIVE.)





Online Community Interaction

Private Community

You will be offered the chance to join your fellow IX participants in our private Facebook group where you can connect and support each other.

Make soul friends for life as you share your progress and insights as often as you need to and in any way that suits you: videos, photos, artworks, music, comments, checking in, giving virtual hugs and affirmations, and cheering each other on.


You will be in the energetic vortex of IX for the entire year! Seriously... this is how ReWilding sacred containers work! You'll want to take full advantage of the doors that are open, the insights that are available, and the alchemical energy that's amplified. This is best done by devoting yourself to the work and dedicating the time and space to fully be in the energy.

ReWilding Collection

Lifetime Access

You'll receive lifetime access to the full program (all video, audio, and supportive material) via your member’s area so you can journey when you like and as often as you like.

This gives you the freedom to journey LIVE with the group, or take it at your own pace.

Working with the archetypes is not a linear process. Some archetypes may require more time to sit and be with, some may need courage to dive into, and others will have you dancing with them in glee. Whilst the workshops will be delivered to you monthly, you ultimately have the choice to dive in when and how you want to.


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For Each Archetype Module
You'll Receive:

  • 1 Experiential Workshop
    Each core module contains a 1-hour workshop incorporating ReWilding modalities that combine energetic transmissions, channeled teachings, embodiment practices... and more. This unique combination will allow you to access deep, often hidden levels of your being where you can create lasting transformation.
  • 2 MasterClass
    This is your deep-dive into each archetype, giving you the "mind food" you need to understand your workshop journey and help you cognize the experiential practices. These masterclasses are a mini archetype intensive to help you get the most out of each energy you work with in the program.
  • 3 Focus Practice
    Multiple recommended practices are included to enhance your Experiential Workshop explorations. Ranging from embodiment practices, energy focus practices, channeled teachings, guided meditations and practical tools. These practices guide and empower you to deepen into personal themes in your own time and at your own pace.
  • 4 Bonus Conversation
    Suggested practical tools and support for taking your inner shifts out into your physical world. Honoring both your inner world and your outer world is the key to lasting change. Learn practical ways to take action in all areas of your life (including some of Sabrina's favorite tools and her fun stories about working with the archetypes!).

Each Month...


One each month, held LIVE on Zoom, where we'll gather in sacred space for an experiential journey into the archetypes. Sabrina and the ReWilding IX Support Team will guide you into deepening practices and invite you to immediately ground all that you're learning into your daily life through archetypal embodiment.

LIVE Circle with Sabrina holds a special magic, as we weave between practice, conversation and shares. These will be recorded and added to your member's area for lifetime access.



In between retreat weekends, the ReWilding IX Support Team will hold 2-hour online Zoom gatherings where you can share, connect, ask questions, and be supported on your journey.

After a guided meditation or practice, we'll share and support each other in Wisdom Circle. These will also be recorded and added to your member's area in the event that you can't make it LIVE.

Retreat Schedule

All Retreats take place at 11am US Pacific Time. These sessions will be recorded and added to your member's area in case you are not able to attend the Zoom or wish to watch the replay.

  • February 9
  • March 9
  • April 13
  • May 18
  • June 29
  • July 27
  • August 24
  • September 28
  • October 19
  • November 16
  • December 7
  • January 11 (2026)

Wisdom Circle Schedule

All Wisdom Circles take place at 12pm US Pacific Time. These sessions will be recorded and added to your member's area in case you are not able to attend the Zoom or wish to watch the replay.

  • February 22
  • March 22
  • April 26
  • May 10
  • June 14
  • July 19
  • August 16
  • September 13
  • October 11
  • November 29
  • December 20
  • January 3 (2026)

For Life...


You'll be able to watch the replays as often as you need... In fact, you'll be guided to repeat practices via the timestamps added to your members area and retreat highlights that will pinpoint the places to focus on.

While we highly recommend joining LIVE Circle, we know life can sometimes have its own agenda!  With lifetime access to all the IX program material, you won't ever miss a thing!





These Bonuses to help you take your ReWilding Experience to the max!

Alch Bonus


Bonus Workshop

The Alchemist Workshop

(value of $147)

A powerful activation to awaken the Alchemist within. In this experiential workshop, you'll discover the three principles of alchemy and bring them together in practice! Become a Master of Alchemy... someone who manifests, creates, and wields power.


Kick-off Circle with Sabrina

(value of $197)

Start your Immersion Experience in a powerful way! Join Sabrina for this first-ever experiential journey into the living mystery of the ReWilding symbol! Discover what can be created and birthed into the world through the union of the heights and depths of the mysteries within... and feel them come alive in you.

This Kick-off Circle replay includes special words of welcome from the ReWilding IX Support Team.


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Best Bonus Yet

Exclusive Access to 3 Guided Practices

(value of $397)
  • Release Fear (60-min)A wildly effective guided practice to claim your inner authority, release your fear of taking up more space, and allowing more of your authentic soul self to to fill your inner being. 
  • Relationship Healing (60-min)Embark on the deepest wisdom practice you’ll ever learn! Repeat this at anytime, anywhere, for anything… whether it’s a hard decision, a heated conversation, or your most challenging relationship. 
  • Finding Radical Self-Acceptance (30-min)Standing in your truth is the greatest gift you can give the world. Journey deep within to find the part of yourself you’re most ashamed of, the part you keep the most hidden. Find unconditional love and radical acceptance for this part of you.
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12 months from now your life will look completely different and so will you!

Your member’s area is already loaded with four complete archetype modules, and that's just the start. Along with all the bonus material, you have access to over 12 hours of immersive ReWilding experiences waiting for you. Dive in now and begin your transformation!

Frequently Asked Questions

Words About ReWilding with the Archetypes

Depth & Substance

"Oh f*ck yes!!! I’ve LOVED how Sabrina uses age old Jungian archetypal depth psychology with ancient shamanic practices. It’s deeply transformative, personal, and has a depth and substance to it unlike anything else I’ve experienced before. Cannot wait to see what’s coming next!!!!"

~ Cara

Gold Standard

"The whole of this project is massively exciting for ReWilding! The archetypes are here to stay. They have work to do through us and IX is part of how we're grounding them in. As we witness how they work through each person, we're deepening our understanding of them. This way of working with the archetypes will become a gold standard for archetypal embodiment work and for understanding astrology—embodying it rather than just talking about it!"

~ Karen (IX Support Team)

Evolutionary edge

"To work with the Archetypes via The ReWilding Way is to discover parts of self you never knew existed… heck maybe they didn’t! Sometimes it feels more like an evolution – an opening into an expression of life that, through the uniqueness that is you, has never been realized before! Simply put, life gets so much more colorful!"

~ Malea

This *is* for you if:

  • You are curious about archetypes and your inner world
  • You want your life (in all areas) to change
  • You want to explore your unique energetic blueprint and potential
  • You want to reveal your true heart's desires and manifest them in the world
  • You want more love, joy, ease and fulfillment in your life
  • You're excited to journey inwards in a tried and tested method that creates long-lasting change
  • You would love to access your inner wise self as a doorway to deep inner truth
  • You want to invite in healthy, whole relationships
  • You want to open to more of your potential – your potential to give/receive love, your potential to connect/relate
  • You want to experience your natural organic and unlimited potential!

This is *not* for you if:

  • You want to stay in your comfortable box
  • You want to stay safe in the known
  • You're not willing to push the boundaries of what's possible for you
  • You're not willing to venture inwards to find your hidden gems
  • You're scared to let go of what's not true in order to find what's truest for you now!

So what are you waiting for?

Let's do this thing!

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Registration for ReWilding with the Archetypes (IX) is now closed.

IX Mystery School is now in session. If you’ve missed out on registering and this program is really calling to you, please email to explore your options.

Or sign up to the FREE Newsletter to stay tuned for future updates as well as embodied astrology monthly energy reports.

You can also still work with Sabrina LIVE in...

Words About ReWilding


"Through [Sabrina's] workshops, I have been to places and accessed emotions and energies that I have not touched in any other way."

~ Mark


It's the best investment I have ever made in myself, the best gift and the greatest tool to use going forward in relation to furthering this… utterly necessary soul work." 

~ Georgia


"It is the deepest, most transformational work I've accessed online. I feel it's having a profoundly positive impact on my life, growth and healing.

~ Stacey

Words About ReWilding


"Through [Sabrina's] workshops, I have been to places and accessed emotions and energies that I have not touched in any other way."

~ Mark


It's the best investment I have ever made in myself, the best gift and the greatest tool to use going forward in relation to furthering this… utterly necessary soul work." 

~ Georgia


"It is the deepest, most transformational work I've accessed online. I feel it's having a profoundly positive impact on my life, growth and healing.

~ Stacey

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Meet Your Guide:

Sabrina Lynn

Sabrina Lynn discovered archetypal embodiment a decade ago and was immediately hooked. She had done more traditional spiritual practices for years, but nothing had given her direct access to the divine like dancing with Kali, Lilith, Sophia, Medusa, Hekate and so many more. Within a year of working with the archetypes, Sabrina’s gifts of facilitation, hands-on healing, and even sex magic had come online.

Since then, Sabrina’s life has turned upside down. While working daily with the archetypes in her own personal practice, she started a podcast, a YouTube channel, and a membership. Before she knew it, she was running a Mystery School and then a Priest/ess Training.

Today, Sabrina has a global following of over 400,000 firestarters, changemakers, spiritual seekers, and wild men and women! Her YouTube channel has had over 2.8 million video views and her podcasts have been downloaded over 2.3 million times. And she has led more than 100,000 people through programs based on the ReWilding Way, a modality of healing and awakening that strips away the false, the deep wounds from early life, and the fears that hold people back, to reveal their true and unique soul light, and to build their innate capacity to shine it in the world in a way that’s most authentic to them.

But she never felt ready to share, in its totality, the method of spiritual transformation that had made all of this possible… Until now.

One final, personal note...

This program has been years, probably lifetimes, in the making!

Archetypes are what I get asked about the most. Not a day goes by without someone seeking guidance about a specific archetype.

This Archetype Immersion Experience (IX) feels like something I've been training to deliver for eons. While I could have launched it ten years ago, these past ten years of exploring the many facets of archetypes within myself have prepared me to deliver this program with a deeper level of understanding and care. Perhaps, it's this specific moment in time, perhaps it's about my ability to deliver this program at the high-level the archetypes demand, perhaps it's about you and where you're at in life... Whatever the multitude of reasons, the time is most definitely now, and I couldn't be more excited!

It is my great honor to invite you into the mysteries. Let's co-create something incredible together.

With all my heart,

🖤 Sabrina Lynn


Join the newsletter below to stay tuned for future updates


Embodied Astrology Updates

Don't miss a thing! Get FREE archetypal activations and astrology updates every week on how to ReWild your life from the inside out!

By entering your details, you’ll join the ReWilding Newsletter, where you’ll receive astrology reports, energy insights, embodiment tools and practices, exclusive bonuses, FREE Challenges, community LIVEs, and invitations to special events. (Unsubscribing is easy anytime!)

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